Who We Are

The Midlands Housing Trust Fund is governed by a 10-member board of directors.

Jeffrey Allen, Chair
McNair Law Firm
1221 Main Street | Suite 1800
Columbia, SC 29201

Peyton Bryant, Vice-Chair
Partner, Director of Business Development
Trinity Partners
1501 Main Street, Suite 410
Columbia, SC 29201

Amanda Koehler, Treasurer
Chief Financial Officer
Turner, Padget, Graham and Laney, P.A.
1901 Main Street | Suite 1700
Columbia, SC 29201

Jamie Devine, Secretary
Chief Executive Officer
Community Assistance Provider
2800 N. Main Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Ellis Bleakley
VP/Fair Lending Officer
AG First Farm Credit Bank
1901 Main Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Tommy Harris
Vice President
First Citizens Bank
1314 Park Street
Columbia, SC 29201

John McLean
McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture
1316 Washington Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Kyle Michel
Kyle Michel Law Firm
1520 Main Street
Columbia, SC 29201

Key Staff

Jeff Larimore, Executive Director | jeff_larimore@midlandshousing.org | 803-764-3976
1201 Main Street, Suite 1480 | Columbia, SC 29201


The Midlands Housing Trust Fund wishes to publicly recognize the following corporations and organizations for their commitment to creation of affordable housing opportunities in our region. Through the dedicated volunteer service of their employees on our board of directors, these organizations are actively creating a stronger, safer, better Midlands regional community for everyone.

The Midlands Housing Trust Fund Receives Financial Support from: