The Midlands Housing Trust Fund offers collateralized loans to non-profit, for-profit and government entities; individuals, and LLCs to create and preserve quality, affordable housing targeted to families at 80% and below of area median income in the Midlands region of South Carolina. Eligible activities include predevelopment, acquisition, construction, rehabilitation and permanent financing.
Projects should demonstrate full compliance with applicable local planning restrictions and zoning ordinances. Projects should complement and enhance the aesthetic quality of neighborhoods, use quality materials, promote efficient land use, and incorporate features that will minimize impact on the environment.
Apply for a Loan
Flexibly underwritten, low-interest loans are available to developers to create housing that is affordable for people who earn less than 80% of area median income.
Development Pro Forma
Please download this form and read all application instructions in their entirety first. Then complete all sections of the application in the same order in which they appear. If you have problems downloading the form please email Jeff Larimore.
Draw Request Form
Please download this form, complete it in its entirety and return to Jeff Larimore. If you have problems downloading the form please email Jeff Larimore.
The policies and procedures outlined in this document provide a framework within which the Midlands Housing Trust Fund will operate its lending program directed to affordable housing developers.
Submit forms via email or if you prefer, mail the forms to:
Midlands Housing Trust Fund | 1201 Main Street | Suite 1480 | Columbia, SC 29203